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Advocacy groups sue after appeals court allows partial enforcement of Trump’s travel ban

Advocacy groups sue after appeals court allows partial enforcement of Trump’s travel ban 

travel bannedFREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images

  • A federal appeals court allowed part of President Donald Trump’s travel ban to take effect. 
  • Several advocacy groups have filed lawsuits challenging administration’s related efforts to restrict or ban certain refugees from entering the U.S.
  • Last month, a federal judge in Hawaii blocked most of Trump’s third travel ban just before it was due to take effect.

SEATTLE — On the same day a federal appeals court allowed part of President Donald Trump’s travel ban to take effect, advocacy groups filed a new lawsuit Monday challenging the administration’s related efforts to restrict or ban certain refugees from entering the U.S.

The developments came as lawyers on both sides of the issue are preparing for yet another round of appeals court arguments next month. They’re the latest sign that after nearly 10 months, the battle over the president’s travel restrictions — and whether they represent the “Muslim ban” he promised during his campaign or a legitimate effort to improve national security — is far from over.

“The president is making every effort to implement a campaign promise that’s un-American and unconstitutional,” said Mark Hetfield, president of the refugee support organization HIAS. “The only way to stop him is through the courts.”

Last month, a federal judge in Hawaii blocked most of Trump’s third travel ban just before it was due to take effect. A judge in Maryland separately blocked it to a lesser degree, saying that Trump could bar people from six mostly Muslim nations — Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen — as long as they did not have “bona fide” relationships with people or organizations already in the U.S.

The travel ban also applies to travelers from North Korea and to some Venezuelan government officials and their families, but the lawsuits did not challenge Read More Here…


Experienced fishing maniac. Love traveling, especially to central America for charter fishing. Great cook and always looking for new recipes for all types of seafood. What can I say, I was born at a hospital near the ocean in NE, and I guess it just never leaves you. Recently and sadly became single, but am opening my heart to new people and experiences.

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